How to Dedicate a Star
Dedicating a Star in the Sky…
This is a unique and thoughtful way to show someone special in your life that they are near and dear to your heart. At YourStarForever.com, we make it easy to select and dedicate a star to the special people in your life.
Some of the most popular occasions for dedicating a star include: Valentine’s Day, a Birthday, Christmas, Hannukah, a special Anniversary, in Honor of Someone, in Memory of Someone, or Just Because.
In addition, many of our customers have dedicated a star to a pet they’ve lost. Star dedications are great gifts for a grandparent to give to the grandkids. They also make a great last-minute gift that you can send instantly via the web to your special someone’s phone or email.
How to Do It:
In five easy steps you can dedicate a star today. The whole process only takes about 10 minutes.
In five easy steps you can dedicate a star today. The whole process only takes about 10 minutes.
Step 1: Go to the Star Dedication Part of Our Site
Click on the “Dedicate A Star” Button here or at the top of any page on our site.
Step 2: Select Your Star
Our interactive sky map allows you to choose your star in the sky based on a zip code or address and the night sky above that location at midnight.
Step 3: Name Your Star
Step 4: Create Your Personalized Dedication
Write a heartfelt message to your special someone that YourStarForever.com will send to them at the time of your choosing via multiple media, including email, and text message. You can include an image, song, or even a video with your special message. You also have access to a personalized certificate for your star dedication which you can download and print for yourself or your loved one. Make it a keepsake that will last a lifetime.
Step 5: Checkout
Enter your payment method via our secure website. Then, we’ll send you a confirmation to your email account, along with sending the dedication via email or text link – making it easy for your recipient to view the dedication on any device!
Your star dedication is saved permanently in our interactive sky map on our website, so you can come and view the dedication whenever you want. The star name and details are also saved and listed permanently in the Star Dedication Archives at stardedicationarchives.org. So, it’s really your star forever. Your Star Forever and the Star Dedication Archives have helped our customers dedicate over 70,000 stars to the special people in their lives.
If you want to dedicate a star for someone special in your life, visit our Star Dedication page today. With our easy-to-use interactive sky map, personalized dedication options, and instant delivery, you can make someone feel special in just a few minutes. So, now you know how to dedicate a star! Why not give it a try right now?